Showing posts with label anticipation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anticipation. Show all posts

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Regarding Social Media Sites and Family/Class Reunions

Back-in-the-day, classmates used to wonder: "Gee, I wonder what ever happened to..." -- Family members, may (also) have been out-of-reach. People were inconveniently distanced from each other. That 'back-in-the-day' part, is when social media, was not a part of our every-day-conventional-lives.

Currently, in the social-media-age, family and class reunions may still have their place in our lives -- However, they may not provoke as much anticipation, excitement, and wonderment as they used to. The reason is: we can immediately search and connect with our familiar and dear ones, using those engaging social sites, such as Facebook (of course). In some ways, it's a plus. And in other ways... not so much. What do you think?