Showing posts with label barometric pressure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label barometric pressure. Show all posts

Monday, August 20, 2012

Weather Prediction and Heads-Up Clues

In regards to the weather ~ It looks like the position of Arnold's (the pig's) tail  (in Green Acres), may have been a key sign, after-all...

Mother Nature does give us clues, all around us, in regards to giving us the heads-up into a lot of things. Weather, being one of them. If only we were keen enough to 'feel' and 'get' what she is trying to inform us about.

20 Surprising Ways to Predict the Weather - SKYE on AOL is very informative, in regards to the (possible) signs of weather prediction. A lot is tied-into barometric pressure, and cause-and-effect.

 Also weather related, regarding Hurricane Sandy ~